
Career Openers Executive Search

Elke Korn Partner at Career Openers Executive Search

As of December 1st, Elke Korn has become a partner at Career Openers Executive Search.

Elke about Career Openers Executive Search

“I learned from Rainier Beelen that our work is meaningful. That at Career Openers Executive Search, we truly strive to understand our candidates. And that there is a big difference between good and great. That sometimes we need to hold up a mirror to our clients. And that filling executive positions in the mid-market requires hard work. But that it is worth every minute. We don’t shout from the rooftops about how good we are, because we aren’t perfect. After all, we are only human. Thanks to Rainier and his team, I have learned to be proud of our profession.”

Rainier about Elke at Career Openers Executive Search

“I’ve learned from Elke that depth pays off. That behind competencies often lies a beautiful person, with a past, vulnerabilities, and a life journey with ups and downs. That when you think the end is in sight, sometimes there are still a few miles to go. That persistence in our profession is a distinctive capability. That teamwork and a critical attitude go hand in hand. And that I can be even prouder of Career Openers Executive Search because this team is becoming more solid. We look forward to collaborating even more closely with our clients and candidates in the coming years.”